Ryde is Shutting Down


Ryde has been a part of my life since 2013 (over 6 years). Since the beginning, Ryde was a labor of love for me. I poured thousands of hours into all aspects of building and maintaining it. What drove me to continue was how much the community loved it.

My friends told me they loved how convenient Ryde was to use. Strangers told me they loved seeing people on the leaderboard each week. The positivity of the community pushed me to make the app better and better over time. I want to give a huge thanks to all of you for your support over the years. Ryde exists because of you.

However, as my life got more complicated I had less and less time to work on Ryde and eventually I stopped adding new features and fixing bugs. Slowly, feature after feature broke due to the forces of entropy. Today Ryde is barely functional, and it makes me sad.

I’ve considered a variety of outcomes, and all of them suck. That’s why I’ve made the very difficult decision to shut down ride. July 14th will be Ryde’s official last day of operation. If you are interested in receiving a CSV export of your data in Ryde please let me know by reaching out through the contact page on the website.

While this is certainly bad news for the community, there is a silver lining. Ryde’s shutdown will give me time to contribute in other ways. I will be putting renewed focus into The Bike Strap and especially my Livestream as BikeCurious. If you want to stay in touch with the Ryde community, stop by the Livestream on Twitch Sundays from 1-4pm PST and say hi.

Thanks again to everybody who supported Ryde. Creating it has significantly shaped who I am today and I have all of you to thank for that.

See you on the road,
