Ryde is Going Ad-Free for All

Almost everybody has told us they hate the ads in Ryde. Or at least that's how it feels. And we get it, they suck. But Ryde costs money to run. Ads seemed like a viable way of covering Ryde's server costs. Until the numbers came in.

Over the last year Ryde generated a grand total of $60.51 in revenue across both ads and In-App Purchases to remove ads. In that same period of time we spent $405.39 on servers and tools. That's a total loss of $344.88. That explains why Ryde hasn't been updated in 5 months...

If it lost so much money, why is Ryde going ad free?

Thanks to a generous contribution by the MassCommute Bicycle Challenge everybody will get an ad-free Ryde experience. We are hugely thankful to Mary, Julia, and the entire MassCommute team for their support. We're looking forward to building a lasting partnership.

What if I purchased ad-free Ryde?

We love you! To say thanks we will email you a discount code for 20% off anything in the Modeo Shop. Look for that some time this week.

What if I didn't purchase ad-free Ryde?

We'd like to say thanks to all the people who suffered through hundreds of ads over the last year. Please use discount code RYDESUCKS for 10% off anything in the Modeo Shop through the end of May (cannot be combined with other offers).

What's next for Ryde?

Our theme for the 1.1.x series of releases is giving you more ways to use your Ryde data. We're kicking it off today with the official release of our public API! MassCommute Bicycle Challenge will be the first to integrate, but we're super excited to see what other talented developers can do with it. Let us know if you're interested.

There are also a number of features we've been putting off due to a lack of $incentives. The top priority is Apple HealthKit integration. While we can't promise any dates at this time, we can say for sure that it will be included in the next update to the app.

In the long term our goal is to begin partnerships with more Bike Month challenges. If you think your local commuter challenge would benefit from a Ryde integration let us know!

What's going on with the Bike Strap?

Oh my gawd so much. We have a big announcement in the pipeline. For now this video can entertain you...

Thanks so much for being a part of this adventure!


And now for a cool bike photo...